As our last few blog posts suggest, we have very little to write about other than that we are trying desperately to open. We have written about our permitting perils (actually, we haven't really talked about the half of it...because it's so depressing), so in a nutshell this is how we feel about all that: %@#%&#@#$$%!!!!!!!
Our tweets aren't even tweets anymore, they're faint squeaks.
"Hopefully hearing some good news today!" or "Tried our cold brewed iced coffee recipe today!" ... I mean, how do you capture hopelessness and despair in 140 characters or less?
I'm being melodramatic. For the past 2 years, we have been trying to breathe life into the idea of Saus. It's been 2 years of pain, joy, and everything in between: securing enough money to make it possible (joy, shock), working at restaurants for experience, but little pay (pain, fun), finding 33 Union Street after a long, fruitless search (j-o-y), realizing that building a restaurant from scratch would cause lots of stre$$$$$$$$$$ (pain-stab-punch-pain)...anyway, you get it...this journey has yielded alternating bouts of pain/joy.
However, nothing compares to what we have experienced these past few months, from June (when we thought we would open) until September (now). The past few months have been downright frustrating. You ask: "Who is the sorry wretch to blame for my being prevented from devouring delicious frites and waffles????" In a 140 character or less squeak: it's completely our fault that Saus is not open yet. Plainly, we thought we knew what to expect from the permit process, but we were completely wrong. A quick aside: the city of Boston and Inspectional Services Department are way too busy to care if some kids can't open their little Belgian restaurant. Yeah, we were surprised to learn that too. So without delving too deeply into why it's taking so long (here's a hint: lots of waiting for approval)... I want to leave you with this one note: we're tired, we're disappointed, we're frustrated and running out of patience, we're jobless (can only afford Chinatown now - God bless it), we're jaded, but we're passionate as hell and can't wait to open and (hopefully) make people happy with our food. We're entrepreneurs. We're America. (those last two were completely gratuitous).
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I hope you don't give up! I am really looking forward to you guys opening.
Sorry you have encountered so many problems. Hopefully you will open really soon!!
Thank you! We're hanging in there. It's good to know there are people out there who are as excited as we are. We hope to impress!
damn, i wish they'd ran that globe story later. it made immediately hungry!
Dear Saused,
I make a little stomach grumbling prayer for you daily. Best of luck.
Should I be writing letters to the city asking them why they are preventing small businesses like Saus from opening? I'll cc Obama.
Hang in there! We are waiting to come and support you!!!!!
Hang in there! We are waiting to come and support your operation!!!!
you guys are SO CLOSE! Fingers crossed everything gets approved sooner rather than later. You've made it this far and the finish line is in sight :) Miss you all!
Don't lose hope! People still care and will come as soon as those doors open to the Boston public!
...And seriously: do you think an electronic petition or something would help? It would be simple enough for your fans (us) to circulate it on the internet.
I've moved from the area, but would be more than happy to help. Keep those spirits up! Boston needs pomme frites!
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