Monday, March 22, 2010

Saus Tasting Take Two

This past Sunday night we had our second official Saus tasting. 32 people turned out to taste 28 potential sauses. Each attendee gave ratings, written comments and suggestions. You know the turn-out is good when you run out of frites for dipping and resort to little pieces of baguette. Then you know you're just desperate when you run out of frites and baguettes and start opening boxes of Ritz Crackers. Overall, the feedback was great though. Thanks guys! Some early favorites were Cheddar Duvel Ale Sauce, Caramelized Onion Sauce , Roasted Garlic Mayo, Curry Ketchup and Hot Saus. Shout out to Saus' photograher Andrew Ong for the photos of the tasting.


Lauren Underhill said...

It was a yummy event, thanks for having us. Can't wait for the whole package to be complete!

xtine said...


Can't wait to try the frites!

Melanie said...

Check out American Craft's gorgonzola-ale sauce with their chive fries. I'd be a regular for those. :)